
Master Degree in the Business study programme "Leadership" is a 1-year graduate study program which was introduced in the academic year 2021/2022. It is one out of five university graduate study programmes provided by the Faculty of Economics & Business that are fully taught in English.

This study programme makes unique contributions to systematic leadership education to produce leaders who successfully tackle social and business challenges. The programme enables students to be leaders, innovators, problem solvers and decision-makers in business, government and non-profit management practice. The programme covers the need for adequate knowledge of the categorical apparatus of the discipline of leadership which is significant for every kind of organization. 

Who can apply? 
The programme is open to Croatian and international applicants that have a Bachelor level diploma in the field of economics or business (the equivalent of 240 ECTS is a prerequisite for enrolment procedure).

What is the duration of the study?
The duration of the study is one academic year (2 semesters).

How to apply?
The full details on the application process are available in English and in the Croatian language.
A document explaining the full application procedure for international students coming from abroad can be found here.

If you need help or clarification on the procedure, our international office can assist you in obtaining all the necessary documents. Please send an email to student.office@efzg.hr for further instructions. 

What is the application deadline? 
For international students, the online applications are already open and remain open until the classes start (first week of November)Please send an email to student.office@efzg.hr for further instructions. 

For Croatian students, the applications will be open in the first week of October.

When do the classes begin?
Beginning of the classes: first week of November

What is the tuition fee?
The tuition fee for one academic year is 5,000.00 Euros.

The amount of tuition fee can be paid in four instalments.

Where is the enrollment office? 
Office 5, ground floor.
What is the enrollment fee?
Candidates for enrollment have to pay an additional 66.36 Euros as an enrollment fee.

Programme Structure


Course coordinator Course code Course name ECTS Number of teaching hours
Izv.prof.dr.sc. D. Hruška 226711 Authentic Leadership Development 6 20 20 0
Izv.prof.dr.sc. A. Aleksić 226713 Individual Behavior in Organizational Context 6 20 20 0
Izv.prof.dr.sc. I. Načinović Braje
Doc.dr.sc. M. Klindžić
226714 Motivation and Performance in Organizations 6 20 20 0
    ELECTIVE COURSES (min. 8 ECTS):        
Prof.dr.sc. T. Hernaus 226715 Leading Organization Design 5 20 10 0
Izv.prof.dr.sc. I. Marić 226718 Leadership and Management for Nonprofits 5 20 10 0
Prof.dr.sc. J. Prester 226719 Innovation Leadership 5 20 10 0
Izv.prof.dr.sc. M. Daraboš Longin 226720 Women Leadership 5 20 10 0


Course coordinator Course code Course name ECTS Number of teaching hours
Prof.dr.sc. M. A. Omazić 226721 Leading Organizational Change 6 20 20 0
Prof.dr.sc. D. Tipurić 226722 Strategic Leadership 6 20 20 0
  99489 Master thesis 12 0 60
    ELECTIVE COURSES (min. 8 ECTS):        
Izv.prof.dr.sc. I. Načinović Braje 226723 Organizational Culture and Leadership 5 20 10 0
Izv.prof.dr.sc. M. Daraboš Longin 226724 Leadership Coaching 5 20 10 0
Prof.dr.sc. M. A. Omazić
Prof.dr.sc. N. Pološki Vokić
226725 Ethics and Diversity in Leadership 5 20 10 0
Izv.prof.dr.sc. D. Hruška 226726 Leadership Lessons from Croatian War of Independence 5 20 10 0
Prof.dr.sc. J. Prester 226727 Digital Leadership: Creating Value Through Technology 5 20 10 0